Competitive Tenders – How to answer the tender question, navigate evaluation criteria and score full marks?
Structured formal training on how to answer the tender question and achieve the highest evaluation scores.
Clear will analyse previous tenders and identify areas where scores could have been increased, provide signposts and guidance to comprehensive answers for the bid library and work together to draft answers to the tender questions…with tips and hints regarding additional information that makes the difference from Satisfactory to Exceeds.
Clear will red team review your tender response against the tender requirements, ITT instructions, tender questions and evaluation scoring methodology.
Clear provide an end to end solution and everything in-between; the entire sourcing and category management process, tools, template and expertise
Clear provide an end to end solution and everything in-between; the entire sourcing and category management process, tools, template and expertise
It is important to plan your procurement strategy, method of evaluation scoring and business case – procurement is usually a costly and prolonged process so you need to get it right and bring the bidders along on the journey with you.
Agreeing requirements – I can’t see the wood for the trees so we will work it out later? No wonder we disagree on interpretation when implementation gets under way!