Competitive Tenders – How to answer the tender question, navigate evaluation criteria and score full marks?
Structured formal training on how to answer the tender question and achieve the highest evaluation scores.
Airwave approached Clear Solutions for help with contractual management to advise and lead them on various bids in the sales pipeline.
Clear were asked to advise on a bid to the Ministry of Justice for an air side secure communications system. Successful submission of the required tender (DEFCON standard form documents) within a challenging timescale.
Also, to advise on Contractual management – the negotiation of a secure communications network in new underground stations for the Crossrail programme. Negotiation of contract terms for a consultancy agreement, design and build agreement and support and maintenance agreement including complex negotiation of dependencies on a 3rd party contractor.
Clear advised upon and led various bid and tender projects in order to provide a stable platform and giving Airwave back control of their future bid strategy and sales processes.
This proved Airwave could win on quality and could consolidate the learnings and the skills and bring together the experience of the team to win new customers in new areas.