Competitive Tenders – How to answer the tender question, navigate evaluation criteria and score full marks?
Structured formal training on how to answer the tender question and achieve the highest evaluation scores.
When you’ve no more than 400 words to convey everything you do, you need copy with punch and brevity and say more with less when every word counts.
Take a look at our Case Study to see how we overcame this pain point.
When you’ve no more than 400 words to convey everything you do, you need copy with punch and brevity and say more with less when every word counts.
You can tell someone you’re different, and they might believe you. Demonstrate your difference and they’ll not only believe, but see, hear and understand you.
When a story is compelling, it gets read. It’s not just words that make a difference, adding deeper context through showing understanding relative to the tender ensures your story will get the marks it deserves.