Competitive Tenders – How to answer the tender question, navigate evaluation criteria and score full marks?
Structured formal training on how to answer the tender question and achieve the highest evaluation scores.
With departments being rigidly split according to an out-of-date model of legacy function, the Ministry of Justice needed rapid change to become representative of a thoroughly modern governmental service that delivers at the highest levels and takes advantage of a unified cutting-edge technology strategy.
Due to the prolonged series of procurements and fragmented dependencies between the incumbent and replacement suppliers, this meant there were already performance failures due to over-commitment or under-commitment. The question was what to do now a supplier had started to implement on the ground?
If only there had been a common set of negotiation of terms and a clear contract – it would have protected both the supplier and buyer and could be backed off with collaborating suppliers.
The buyer and suppliers could not see the wood for the trees or determine who does what next. Clear implemented business analytics and enterprise architecture techniques to map inter-dependencies between components and supply chain parties and rebaseline the contracts.
Supply chain leaders are using advanced analytics and AI to augment and automate supply chain decision making. 96% use predictive analytics, 85% use prescriptive analytics and 64% use AI.
(Source: Gartner 2018)
Working collaboratively with the Project Management Office, Clear reviewed data flows and business processes and implemented supplier relationship management processes, policies and procedures. These Included change management, risk management, supplier governance / service level and KPI dashboard reporting, strategic cross Ministry change triage analysis, dependency management and vendor strategy.
Successfully renegotiated a rebaseline contract across multiple suppliers and several delivery towers, settled longstanding claims and let remaining contracts.