Competitive Tenders – How to answer the tender question, navigate evaluation criteria and score full marks?
Structured formal training on how to answer the tender question and achieve the highest evaluation scores.
The advice and guidance would enable their in-house team to effectively manage the sourcing, supply and implementation of the new system across the organisation under significant time and budget pressures.
Clear Solutions undertook the project to advise on the end-to-end commissioning strategy, evaluation methodology and tender documentation. This included market engagement briefings, user consultation and discovery workshops through to the preparation of user requirements and tender documentation.
In terms of pain points and lessons learnt, it is important to plan your procurement strategy, method of evaluation scoring and Green Book 5 case business case – procurement is usually a costly and prolonged process so you need to get it right and bring the end users and the bidders (as experts in their field) along on the journey with you. One procurement method does not fit all and one framework does not suit all. Contract drafting included preparation of both functional and non-functional specifications, gaining user input on evaluation methodologies and scoring / weightings according to the importance of criteria gathered through user workshops, scenario assessments and stakeholder engagement.
Clear Solutions provided fast track guidance under pressure of time to complete, in accordance with the Public Procurement Regulations, within budget before the financial year end. This Agile procurement succeeded in achieving the deadline and avoided costly project overruns and avoided delays to operational implementation; this enabled greater effectiveness in front line officers fighting crime and protecting the public.